Field trip Tororo District or: Lighting Africa

Finally I can drop some lines about my first field trip with J.E.E.P. to Tororo (eastern part of Uganda). I guess, photos are more important to you… 🙂 Anyway, here is what the trip was about: On Tuesday 1st, we started our trip from Kampala to Tororo in order to provide rural primary schools with solar systems and the neighbouring village people with solar lamps.

In cooperation with the Nordic Folkecenter and Energinord from Denmark, J.E.E.P. is running the project “Lighting Africa” where simple solar lamps are sold at a highly subsidized and therefore affordable prize. Solar lights are distributed to the rural population without access to electricity (In Uganda about 80% of the population lack access to electricity.), still using light from kerosene lamps etc. which is not really healthy at all.

Besides the distribution of solar lamps we installed two solar systems in primary schools to give school students a possibility to study in the evening as the sun generally sets down at 7:00pm. Visiting the schools and doing the trip with my camera was soooo great. Followed by hundreds of kids like almost all the time :-P, I tried to document our work for you. Furthermore you will get some insight of Tororo city and its environment. Have a look:


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