Tag: Uganda

  • Panorama in East Africa

    Panorama in East Africa

    When I am travelling, touring or just out in Kampala, I always have my Samsung Wave with me. Although I have to deal with its awful operating system Bada, there are some nice options. For instance the panorama mode for the camera. Over the year I took some nice shots with my mobile to post…

  • Christmas in Fort Portal

    Sorting all the pictures I took here in Uganda and East Africa, I found some documenting our christmas eve in Fort Portal visiting Malu and Jonathan, two volunteers working at Tooro Botanical Gardens. We had some great time with cooking, chatting, reading christmas stories and other stuff including some alcoholic drinks. So at one point…

  • World Environment Day 2012

    World Environment Day 2012



    Curious about the environment like all the time, JEEP was celebrating  the World Environment Day (WED) on Tuesday, 5th June 2012 in the areas of Masaka and Kasese where we exhibited and showed our skills and activities. Theme of this years WED was the Green Economy. JEEP participated in  events in both areas  and exhibited a number of…

  • Mwoto – The Power of Fire



    Recently I developed the promotion page for an energy saving stove called Mwoto. The MWOTO cookstove was developed within the ‘Promoting Improved Top-Lit Updraft (TLUD) Cookstoves in Uganda” project by CREEC. It’s one of the Biomass Energy Initiative for Africa (BEIA) projects running all over Africa. This stove is a TLUD and this means that it’s lit from…

  • Ssese Islands

    Some time ago I made a trip with Maxi to Ssese Islands, an archipelago of eighty-four islands in the northwestern part of Lake Victoria in Uganda. Taking a ferry from Entebbe you reach Kalangala within 4 hours. Over there we stayed at the Hornbill camp. Hosted by the German owners, we stayed in a small bantu…

  • Fort Portal – Kyaninga Lodge

    Fort Portal – Kyaninga Lodge



    I took lots of photos in Fort Portal. Of course I do not want to withhold any of those photos from you. So here we go with the next post and photos, this time about the famous Kyaninga Lodge at one of the crater lakes in Fort Portal. Kyaninga Lodge – Search for it at…

  • Fort Portal – Tooro Botanical Gardens

    Fort Portal – Tooro Botanical Gardens



    Spending some time in the region of Fort Portal, I visited ‘Tooro Botanical Gardens’ which are showcasing and conserving a diverse living plant collection from the Albertine Rift region of Uganda. TBG describes itself as followed: This wonderful public garden is a unique environment where a variety of flowers, medicinal plants vegetables and fruits are grown. It is a magical…

  • Breakdance Project Uganda or: ‘Bouncing Cats’

    UNITING THE CHILDREN OF UGANDA THROUGH BREAKDANCE AND HIP HOP CULTURE Another really nice project was brought to my attention in the last weeks while I was frequently visiting a good friend of mine here in Kampala. She is staying together with Abramz, a break dancer and singer whom I got to know as a really sympathetic…

  • Field Trip Tororo

    Field Trips J.E.E.P. auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen Ab morgen bin ich auf meinem ersten Fieldtrip in Sachen Solarinstallation. Es geht Richtung Osten nach Tororo, um eine Grundschule mit einem Solar Homesystem auszurüsten. Wird bestimmt ein aufregender Trip! Wenn ich am Donnerstag zurückkomme, gibt es natürlich mehr zu erzählen. Bis dahin.. Mweraba

  • Ugandan Top 10

    Passend zum Wochenende habe ich euch heute mal die Top 10 der aktuellen ugandischen Musik Charts zusammen gesucht. Dann seht ihr mal, was wir uns hier immer so reinziehen müssen. 😛 10. Bobi Wine (ft. Wilson Bugembe) – Ojanga Nosaba