Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

Lately it’s been quiet on my blog and there’s exactly one reason for it: Christmas time! For the work at J.E.E.P.  it means not really a lot of things to do as everybody is preparing to go out of Kampala to their homes in the different regions of Uganda. And for the Christmas time in general there should be at least something to write over here in the capital of Uganda, BUT: it is not.

In a country with about 85% being Christian one should assume that there is a lot of celebration going on. People prepare for the day of the days, the birthday of Jesus Christ, decorating the streets, houses, Christmas trees..They come together for the truly quiet, calm and sensual Christmas time…And that is exactly what is NOT happening. Believe me. If it is Christmas or not. You wont even see a difference! Kampala just did not change at all and the only things about Christmas you will find here are in the large supermarkets in town. No change on the streets, no special lights and decoration…And not that I hate it: IT IS PERFECT GUYS 😀 And because of what? Ugandans are just looking forward to the holy eve with a REAL Christmas not being commercialized yet.

As from tomorrow, our NGO is in vacation. That means for me: TRAVELLING WOOOHOO! I will go to Fort Portal to visit another German volunteer and have a great time at the crater lakes over there. Will be lovely! That does mean at the same time that I wont be able to write any blogposts for you over Christmas and New Years Eve but anyway: I will collect a whole bunch of new photos for you guys and bring some new stories from the wonderful country of Uganda!

So..for now…MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody!


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